Professor Azize Kour’s “Reflections of a Lone Man” is a collection of fourteen affecting short stories that encompasses a man’s reflections on many social, cultural, psychological, and gender issues. 

The book unveils emotions of loneliness, exceptional loss and the hurdles of life that people experienced during the COVID-19 pandemic, which negatively affected many peoples’ mental and physical health.

Written at the height of the COVID lockdown, Kour’s reflections explore interior struggles, and human psychology. This book is one of the few literary Moroccan works written in English that brings to the surface Moroccan human experience with the virus and its aftermath.

Complex realities, stories of emotion

Kour’s storytelling ability and choice of words are compelling to any literary reader. His choice of characters denote notions of the Moroccan experience and convey complex and wearing realities lurking behind social and hierarchical surfaces such as that of women writers, and young people in Morocco. 

Although a number of the characters are shaped by social, economic and cultural conditions, they feel real and vulnerable to the reader, and they are both humanized and courageous. Their stories have sympathetic elements and aesthetically represent reality. 

Reflective in tone, Professor Kour meditates on the long-term impacts of traumatic events and emotions on individuals. Fear is shown to have influenced peoples’ minds and their capacities to dream and prosper; success is equally guilty of bringing about chronic stress. 

Professor Kour analyzes the challenges of modern life and how humans can reconcile with themselves amidst the chaos of so-called “modernity.” He asserts that peace is a spiritual journey that must come from within.

Ethnicity, culture and identity

Other pressing issues highlighted in the book are about the position of Arabo-Amazigh community and Moroccan youth, as well as the identity struggle between the orient and occident. 

Kour’s writing thoroughly reveals the gap between the east and the west and raises many questions about globalization, cultural identity, and patriotism among Moroccan youth.

The stories also delve deeper into notions of life, death, and memory; narrating a self-discovery journey, one that is longing to reconnect with nature, friends and loved ones. 

Azize Kour’s “Reflections of a Lone Man” brims with profound human emotions. This collection is meticulously written and the ideas presented are not only deep and thought provoking, but also inspiring and filled with hope. Kour’s writing is, indeed, of great additional value to Moroccan literature in English.

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