If you’re reading this while curled up in a blanket, holding a heating pad like it’s a lifeline, and quietly questioning the motives of your own body, I feel you.

Marrakech – Period cramps — those relentless monthly visitors — are the ultimate betrayal. 

They roll in like clockwork, wreak havoc, and leave us feeling like we just fought an invisible battle. 

And the cherry on top? The emotional rollercoaster that makes us cry over TV commercials and rage over a crooked eyeliner wing. 

Welcome to the cramp chronicles, where biology meets chaos.

Here’s the thing: cramps are not just a mild inconvenience. They’re like a full-on drama production in your uterus, complete with overzealous prostaglandins directing every twist and turn. 

These little chemicals, tasked with helping your body shed its uterine lining, sometimes take their job a little too seriously. 

The muscle contractions, the dull ache in your lower back, and the feeling that someone’s using your insides as a stress ball. 

And yet, as if the physical discomfort weren’t enough, our emotions decide to join the party. 

One minute, we’re laughing at a TikTok, and the next, we’re sobbing because someone ate the last piece of chocolate. It’s a hormonal free-for-all.

The emotional side of periods is its own wild ride. Estrogen, that powerhouse hormone, drops right before your period starts, leaving your mood flatter than a pancake. 

Then comes the surge of progesterone, which can make you feel tired, irritable, and deeply reflective about everything from your life choices to why fictional characters don’t text back. 

Add in the physical discomfort of cramps, and you’ve got yourself a recipe for existential crisis sprinkled with a side of dramatic flair.

But here’s the good news: you’re not alone. Every woman has her own version of the cramp saga. 

Some of us battle it out with humor, cracking jokes about our uterus being a diva. 

Others go full zen, wrapping themselves in blankets and meditating through the pain. 

And some of us — let’s be honest — fight the war armed with chocolate bars, heating pads, and a playlist of empowering breakup songs (even if we’re single). 

There’s no right or wrong way to deal, only what works for you.

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Speaking of dealing, let’s talk about the unsung heroes of this monthly ordeal. 

First, there’s heat — the ultimate comforter. Whether it’s a trusty heating pad, a hot water bottle, or even a warm bath, heat has a way of soothing those rebellious muscles. 

Then there’s food. Sure, you might crave pizza and ice cream, but don’t underestimate the power of magnesium-rich snacks like bananas or almonds to calm things down. 

And while we’re on the subject, can we normalize eating what makes you happy without the guilt? If chocolate cake brings you joy during this hormonal storm, I say grab a fork and go for it.

Movement, as counterintuitive as it sounds, can also be a game-changer. Gentle stretches or yoga can help release some of that tension. 

Even a slow walk around the block can make you feel like you’re taking back a little control. 

And let’s not forget the magic of rest. Sometimes, the best thing you can do is curl up in bed, give yourself permission to be unproductive, and remind yourself that you’re human.

But perhaps the most important tool in our arsenal is self-compassion. It’s easy to get frustrated with our bodies, to feel like we’re being held hostage by biology. 

Yet, these same bodies are incredibly resilient. They get us through each month, allowing us to live, love, and laugh — even when we feel like doing none of the above. 

So, let yourself feel everything. Cry over the silly stuff. Laugh at how dramatic it all is. 

Take up space and demand rest when you need it. Being a woman is a superpower, even if it doesn’t always feel like it.

At the end of the day, cramps are just a small chapter in the story of being a woman. 

They’re annoying, painful, and wildly inconvenient, but they’re also a reminder of our strength. 

We endure them, we rise above them, and we keep showing up — sometimes in sweatpants, sometimes in stilettos, but always as the queens we are. 

So, to my fellow warriors, keep going. You’ve got this. And if anyone asks, yes, you do deserve that second slice of cake.