Hidden within the streets of Fez’s old city, this hospital ,is a centuries-old, with a rich history of tales of healing.
Fez – Sidi Frej Maristan, located in the heart of Fez, is one of the oldest hospitals in Morocco.
Established in 685 AH (1286 CE) by Sultan Abu Yusuf Yaqub, the hospital underwent significant upgrades in 766 AH by Sultan Abu Inan.
Until the mid-20th century, it served as a crucial medical facility until the mid-20th century, providing care for patients, especially those with mental health conditions.
According to historical accounts, Sidi Frej Maristan was part of a larger network of hospitals in Fez.
Historian Leo Africanus noted that the city had many well-maintained hospitals, where travelers could stay for three days.
Outside the city walls, similar facilities offered comparable services.
The hospital’s name, “Sidi Frej”, is thought to honor a nearby saint. However, some historians, like Al-Kettani in his book Salwat Al-Anfas, suggest there was no saint or tomb named Sidi Frej near the hospital.
Instead, the name likely reflects the relief it provided to patients. The hospital was a sanctuary for those without shelter, offering care funded by generous endowments.
In 900 AH, a physician of Andalusian origin, Faraj Al-Khazraji, introduced music therapy at Sidi Frej Maristan.
Andalusian music became an integral part of the hospital’s mental health treatments. This innovation may have contributed to the hospital’s name.
The hospital is located near the Moulay Idriss mausoleum, between the Attarine and Henna markets.
Historans, including Al-Kettani and Hassan Al-Wazzani, describe it as a two-story building with 18 rooms on the ground floor for male patients and 22 rooms upstairs for women.
A garden provided a peaceful space for patients, where weekly Andalusian music performances helped improve their mental well-being.
The hospital’s administrative structure was organized and efficient. A director supervised operations with the help of assistants and a custodian who managed the building and its finances.
The medical team included doctors, pharmacists, and nurses. Additional staff, like cooks and caretakers, ensured patients’ needs were met.
Music therapy was performed by skilled musicians chosen through a competitive process.
Sidi Frej Maristan specialized in various medical fields, including internal medicine, orthopedics, ophthalmology, and psychiatry.
Over time, it focused primarily on mental health care.
The hospital’s operations were funded by state resources and extensive endowments, and wealthy donors contributed to its upkeep and provided support for poor patients even after their discharge.
This system reflected the strong social solidarity of the time, ensuring that patients received care and support throughout their recovery.
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