There are two types of people in this world when it comes to the – often dreaded – start of the week.

Marrakech – There are those who wake up on Monday ready to conquer the world and those who hit snooze, groan dramatically, and question every life decision that led to this moment. 

If you’re reading this, I’m guessing you’re in the latter category.

Monday gets a bad rap. It’s the alarm clock of the week – loud, annoying, and entirely too close to your face. 

But what if I told you that Monday doesn’t have to be a soul-crushing experience? 

What if, dare I say it, Mondays could actually be… fun? Revolutionary, I know.

No more dragging yourself out of bed like a zombie auditioning for “The Walking Dead”. 

Imagine you’re the main character – the slow-motion coffee pour, the perfectly timed stretch, the jazz playing softly in the background. 

Swap your rushed morning routine for something luxurious: a fancy breakfast, a five-minute dance party, or an outfit that makes you feel like the CEO of Getting Your Life Together Inc.

Why should weekends have all the fun? 

Here are some things you can do: 

On Monday, maybe wear something you’d normally save for a Friday night. 

Have a croissant with your coffee like you’re in Paris. 

Answer your emails in a chic cafe instead of your desk. 

Give yourself something to look forward to — a tiny act of rebellion against the Monday blues.

If your Monday is drowning in meetings, deadlines, and existential dread, gamify it! Set a timer and see how fast you can clear your inbox (winner gets a midday snack). 

Or, maybe treat every task like a mission in a heist movie. Make a dramatic Mission Impossible entrance to your first Zoom call. If work insists on being there, at least make it interesting.

You know those things you save for “when you have time”? Monday is the time. 

Get the overpriced matcha. Buy the candle that smells like a rich woman’s vacation home. 

Wear the perfume that makes you feel like an enigma. Mondays deserve a touch of glam, and so do you.

Most people spend Monday night recovering from the long day. Let’s change that. 

Go on a spontaneous solo date, call a friend for a gossip session, or start a show that has nothing to do with productivity.

Mondays aren’t just for surviving — they’re for living. Mondays feel mundane because we treat them like a prison sentence, but at the end of the day, Monday isn’t the problem. 

It’s just a day, like any other, waiting to be claimed. 

So claim it. Add some sparkle. Make it yours. Because life’s too short to let a day of the week defeat you.