In every Moroccan home, there’s an unspoken rule: Mom is always right.

Fez – Moroccan moms are not just mothers. They are teachers, advisors, and strategists. They know everything, or at least they act like they do. 

If life had a manual, Moroccan moms would be the authors. They prepare their children for every situation: marriage, friendships, fashion, and even harmless manipulation for survival.

Marriage advice

Before you even think about marriage, your mom has already imagined your wedding. She has a list of potential spouses in her mind. 

She warns you about “sweet talkers” and “stingy men” if you are a girl. If you are a boy, she makes sure you know how to choose a wife who respects you, ( most importantly her )

She knows exactly how to handle in-laws. “Be kind, but not too kind,” she says. “They will test you.” If she thinks your partner is not good enough, she won’t say it directly.

Instead, she will ask, “Are you sure you’ll be happy?” That question alone will make you rethink everything.

Friendship wisdom

Moroccan moms have rules for friendships. “A real friend won’t be jealous,” she tells you. If she sees someone with bad energy, she gives you “the look.” That look means, “Stay away.”

She believes in testing friendships. She might tell you to ask your friend for a favor just to see their reaction. 

If they refuse, she shakes her head and says, “I told you so.” She teaches you to be generous but never naive.

Fashion opinions

Moroccan moms don’t hold back when it comes to fashion. If your outfit is ugly, she lets you know. “Are you really going out like that?” she asks, with raised eyebrows.

She loves traditional clothes but tries to be modern. If you wear ripped jeans, she asks, “Did you pay for that, or did someone attack you?” But when it’s time for a wedding, she picks out the most elegant caftan and makes sure you “represent the family well.”

The art of harmless manipulation

Moroccan moms are experts in emotional strategy. They know how to get what they want. If she wants you to do something, she won’t ask directly. 

Instead, she will sigh loudly and say, “I do everything alone in this house.” That’s your cue to help.

If she wants to convince you of something, she uses stories. “I knew a girl who did what you’re doing. Now she regrets it.” She never says who the girl is, but the lesson is clear.

Moroccan moms prepare their children for every situation. Their advice is sometimes tough, sometimes funny, but always useful. 

Whether it’s love, friendships, fashion, or survival skills, they know how to shape a strong and smart person. If life is a game, Moroccan moms are the best coaches.

Read also: Moroccan Parent Logic: The Funny Rules We All Grew Up With