The most powerful government in the world isn’t even a government, it’s a girls’ group chat at 2 AM.
Fez –There’s a magical place where girls speak a language no one else understands, it’s not French, it’s not Spanish, and it’s definitely not taught in school. It’s the ancient art of girl group chat communication, and if you know, you know.
It starts with the name. No girl group chat is ever called “Group Chat.” It’s either “My Mental Breakdown Support Team” or some inside joke so random only the inner circle gets it like “Where’s My Charger” or “The Lost Earring.” You don’t question it. You just understand.
The first rule of girl group chat? No message is too random. A blurry photo of someone’s coffee? Important. A screenshot with zero context? Even more important. A single “OMG” at 2:47 AM? You drop everything and reply because something major just happened.
But what makes this language truly elite is the unspoken codes.
“He’s cute” doesn’t mean he’s just cute. It means “Stalk him. Find his Instagram. What’s his mom’s name? Does he have a dog?”
“I’m fine” is never fine. It’s a red flag, siren blaring, someone brings snacks immediately.
“Do you like him?” isn’t even about feelings. It’s about imagining your last name with his and planning imaginary weddings with seven caftans changes and Amariya.
And let’s not forget the typing pause panic. When someone’s typing for a full minute, everyone freezes. Is it gossip? Is it tea? Is it a voice note that’s five minutes long? The suspense could power a whole city.
Emojis? They’re a whole dictionary.
Skull emoji = I’m dying laughing (or my life is over, depending on context).
Side eye = I see you, I know what you did, and we need to talk.
Sparkles = Major moment. Something iconic just happened.
The best part? Voice notes. No actual information, just giggles, screaming, and the occasional “wait wait wait, you’re not ready for this.” It’s pure chaos, but somehow everyone gets it.
And even outside the chat, the language flows. One look across the room, one raised eyebrow, and your bestie already knows you hate his outfit, you saw his ex walk in, and you need an escape plan immediately.
This unspoken language isn’t something you learn. It’s a lifelong membership the moment you survive your first sleepover or group crush. It’s in the way girls just know.
So here’s to the group chats that raise us, the codes only we understand, and the unspoken magic that makes girl friendships the best, most chaotic, most iconic thing ever.
Because sometimes, all it takes is one “girl.” And the rest? You don’t even need to say it.
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